2012 Year End Wrap-up

Posted: January 1, 2013 in Painting Pledge, Workshop, Year End Wrap-ups

2012 was a hit and miss year on the hobby front.

On the plus side my workshop is more or less complete.  I now have hobby space with a well-lit workbench, sink, and storage space.  This gets my hobby stuff, especially paints and sharp objects, out of reach of my kids hands.  I still find myself painting at the kitchen table off and on, but with young kids I can’t lock myself away just for the sake of  some little lead guys.

Also on the plus side I finished more mini’s in ’12 than ’11.  Ok it’s only a whopping 2, but advancement counts.  I’ve also set the table for a good ’13 with 20+ FOW tank mini’s nearing completion and another 15 bases of infantry primed and waiting the brush.  My six-year old is wanting to “help” paint some tanks, so over the last few days I’ve been building some M4 Shermans for his eager attentions.

For Christmas, I found a copy of X-Wing under the tree and both my 3 and 6 year olds have been eager to play!

On the minus side:  I didn’t make my pledge.  I really didn’t even come close.  If I hadn’t gotten sick over Christmas I might have made it to half-way, perhaps not.

Even more disappointing, for the first time since I graduated from college nearly 20 years ago, I didn’t get in a game, much less a convention.   Usually I at least get to one of the three HMGS-East events, but this year they all fell on bad weekends for either work or family.

Blog-wise I had hoped to make at least weekly posts in addition to the monthly wrap-ups, this really didn’t happen.  Photos have been a no-go with the ongoing constrution in the workshop taking away my photo lighting.  I did get 872 pageviews and post 28 times.

Final Miniatures Stats  for 2012:

Purchased For 2012:     54  +  (194 pro-painted)

Painted For 2012:     16

Blog Posts: 28

Books read: 20

Painting Pledge progress (one 25mm equivalent/week) at year end with 16 minis done leaves me at -36 for the year.

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